Many seniors rise very early in the morning. If they do, they often like to have a cup of coffee or tea. In that case they can make it in their rooms and enjoy it quietly while they wait for breakfast, which is served at 8:30 a.m. Residents often wake up smelling muffins baking, bacon frying, or pancakes grilling! At breakfast, the residents spend time visiting with each other, and much laughter can be heard!
Immediately following breakfast, time is spent in an optional devotion and prayer activity which is a time that many of the residents look forward to with great anticipation. Next comes our daily exercise program that is designed to just keep everything moving and stretched. Once the exercises are finished some residents choose to go to their rooms, while some stay in the sun room to either visit with each other or play a game of cards or scrabble.
Lunch, which is our main meal of the day, is served at 12:30. It is always followed by a delicious dessert as well as the famous “joke of the day”! Most afternoons are filled with an organized activity as well as games and many family members come to the house for a visit. Occasionally we go on outings, with a favorite being the “Golden Age Social” that is held monthly at the Civic Centre. Dinner, which is a lighter meal, is served at 5:30. When there is a planned evening activity, it begins at 6:00. The news, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are looked forward to by the residents too!